How Powerful Would You Be If You Took Your Own Advice?

How Powerful Would You Be If You Took Your Own Advice?

How many times have you heard or said:
“I can help other people but I can’t help myself.” Or “I can give the best advice but I can’t take my own advice.”
I hear this phrase over & over with clients.
➠︎Advice you preach to others is the advice you NEEDED to hear in your time of need or when you were growing up.
➠︎Lessons you learned the hard way due to ignorance, later become messages you preach with passion to attempt to save others from going through what you went through.
➠︎For example—if I wish someone had told me growing up to value education because I did not, and now as an adult I struggle with minimum wage jobs, I now PREACH education and good grades to my kids and others.
✔︎ If I take my own advice and persevere in adulthood to attain my education just like I am PREACHING TO my kids and others to do, I gain humility & become an inspiration and a light to others.
✘︎ But if I fail to follow through with my education, yet continue to push education and perfection on my kids and others, I simply become a hypocrite, projecting my insecurities onto them, becoming a nuisance to them.
➠︎Another example is a wife preaching to her husband to do something, be something or have something that she has not even done, become, or possessed (& vs versa).
➠︎Your parents likely gave you advice that they themselves did not adhere to.
➠︎How did it make you feel hearing them preach what they didn’t practice or measure up to?
✘︎ When you don’t TAKE and LIVE your own advice, you fail to grow into the FULLNESS of who you could be. It’s reminiscent of what Paul calls —preaching to others yet being disqualified.
✘︎You preach but never become.
✘︎You preach what you’re unwilling to submit to.
➠︎ The advice is first to transform YOU so that you BECOME an agent of influence and inspiration to others rather than ANOTHER hypocrite preaching what your children or others “should do” that you yourself do not do.