Recipe for Divine Mental Alignment

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Jessica Cooper

Jessica Cooper

Kingdom Alignment Mentor, Coach & Consultant - Helping Our Generation Align to the Perfect Will of God in Every Area of Life

Do you know that you can be in divine alignment in your mind and your thoughts? Do you know that there is a Biblical recipe for emotional peace? 

This recipe is found in Philippians 4:8.

Finally, believers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable and worthy of respect, whatever is right and confirmed by God’s word, whatever is pure and wholesome, whatever is lovely and brings peace, whatever is admirable and of good repute; if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think continually on these things [center your mind on them, and implant them in your heart]. (Amplified)

Let’s break down what these ingredients are:

  1. Whatever is true (Genuine; pure; real; not counterfeit, adulterated or false)
  2. Whatever is honorable and worthy of respect (fit to be esteemed or regarded)
  3. Whatever is right and confirmed by God’s word
  4. Whatever is pure and wholesome (promoting moral well-being)
  5. Whatever is lovely and brings peace
  6. Whatever is admirable and of good repute (good reputation and known to honest, true and forthright)
  7. If there is any excellence (An excellent or valuable quality; a virtue)
  8. If there is anything worthy of praise (Worthy of praise or applause)

The Bible says to fix your mind on these things. To “fix” is not a casual glance or a causal pondering of the mind. To fix your mind is intentional. It means to center your mind on these things, to direct your attention to them, on the do so—continually!

To fix your mind is to center your heart and mind on these things and to direct your attention to them—continually!

This is the recipe for peace.

Do you want to know the recipe for anxiety and frustration? Simply fix your mind on the opposite of these virtues—

  • that which is adulterated and false;
  • that which is immoral and corrupt;
  • that which is defiled and unwholesome;
  • that which is wretched and brings division;
  • that which is worthless and of poor taste;
  • things that lack excellence or praiseworthiness.

This is the recipe for frustration and anxiety.

Divine alignment in your mind and emotions is only possible through aligning your mind with the right things.

What have you fixed your mind on?

What have you centered your heart on?

What is your mind steadily thinking about?

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